Southwood’s Official Instagram and Twitter to build a virtual school community

Southwood Secondary School is creating a virtual school community to keep our fellow Sabres connected. We can’t possibly replace the amazing community we have at Southwood, but we will do our best to create a sense of connection while we are all asked to stay at home. We will be using our school’s website, along […]

Announcing WRDSB@Home

As you know, the Premier of Ontario and Minister of Education recently announced the first phase of Learn at Home (Apprendre à la Maison), a new online portal that will provide resources for families, so students can continue their education while schools are closed due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. WRDSB@Home In the Waterloo Region […]

A message from the Minister of Education

A message to families, from the Minister of Education. Dear Ontario parents, I am writing to you in unprecedented times. The foremost priority of the government is to keep all Ontarians safe, including our students and educators. Working with our partners and all levels of government, we will do whatever it takes to deliver on […]

School playgrounds closed until further notice

In an effort to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in our community, all schoolyard play structures are closed until further notice. We are asking families and community members to avoid playing on equipment for their health and the health of others. Schoolyards continue to be available for families to enjoy while practicing social distancing. […]

A Letter of Support to WRDSB Families

Dear WRDSB Families, We are writing to you at the end of what has been a very different March break, one that we could never have imagined only a few weeks ago. We would like to share with you some of the work the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) is doing, and will be […]

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