Welcome to the Southwood Secondary School Library
Your Gateway to Educational Resources
Follow the Library on Instagram @southwoodsslibrary
Library use for study or research is now open during both instruction periods and lunch. Puzzles and games are available once again as well. Please remember that there is no food or drink in the library. Circulation may not be available if Ms. Blom is away.
To search our collection CLICK HERE Then log in using your userid and password to restrict the search to Southwood. Interlibrary loans are not possible.
If you have a question about library resources, due dates etc. please do not phone the school. Contact me via your board gmail at shelly_blom(at)wrdsb.ca
We understand that the chaos of the COVID period has meant that many of you are feeling a bit lost when it comes to study skills. This could be setting up an effective workspace, taking effective reading notes, making effective ongoing review notes, and preparing to write tests and major evaluations. This website has resources to help you or you can join the study skills Google Classroom where you can get direct feedback from Ms. Blom Study For Success Classroom.
Southwood students and staff are invited to join our Library Skills Google classroom. It is a place you can get guidance in accessing our digital resources in the virtual library. Join code for the classroom is: x65qdyy
Need help using our online resources? Check out these video tutorials:
Logging in to the Virtual Library
Using the Overdrive Ebook Collection (Mostly Fiction)
Using the Infobase Ebook Collection (Non-fiction for research)
Using the EBSCO and Gale Databases
Using the CBC Curio Video Database
Using the Criterion on Demand feature film collection
You can access E-books through our online collections at wrdsb.insigniails.com/library/Home Click on the PADLOCK icon in the top navigation bar to log in using your WRDSB email and password. Some of the resources may ask you to log in again once you get to the resource site.
Clicking on the SORA button will take you to a wonderful collection of novels for all reading levels. If there is a book you would like in ebook or audiobook format that is not in our SORA collection, fill out this form (click here) to request it. No guarantees, but it will be considered.
Infobase is a wealth of non-fiction information for high school students.
Capstone has terrific accessible non-fiction information for Intermediate level students.
You can access documentary and creative video content through the Virtual Library as well. Ensure you are logged in to the LLC page first. Curio.ca is produced by the CBC. LEARN360 also packed with video material to support our curriculum. A subcollection called Criterion on Demand focuses on feature films, including adaptations of many novels. Search for your title and then click on the Criterion icon which looks like a blue film strip with the letters CP.
If your password is not letting you gain access to the Learning Commons and the resources it includes, but is still allowing you into your Chromebook, Classrooms and Gmail, then your password has likely expired. Your classroom teacher has access to MyPassword to reset your password for you.