Dear Grade 7 to 12 students,

We are Tristan John-Jandles and Rowan McDonald, your 2020-21 Student Trustees.

Launching this week, we have created a Thoughtexchange survey to help us better understand what you, our peers, currently think we should focus on. Our goal: to better represent you!

This survey is exclusively for WRDSB students and is a first in our board. It was designed for students by students to represent the collective student voice at the Board of Trustees table. Advocating for our peers, your needs, and voices allows your lived experiences to be considered in the decisions and policies made at the board table.

By participating, you are making your voice heard. Your thoughts and stars are confidential and anonymous. Please be as honest as possible. Your feedback will provide insight into your experiences as a WRDSB student. Your PAL, school or grade are not attached to any responses you provide.

Once the survey closes, we will share the results with WRDSB trustees and senior staff at a public meeting at a later date, as well as at a Student Senate meeting.

Survey Access

How do I access the survey? Later this week, we will email the instructions and Thoughtexchange survey link to all Grade 7 to 12 students via their WRDSB email. Stay tuned!

If students need help or have questions, please email us at

Thank you in advance for your input!

Tristan John-Jandles

2020-21 Student Trustee

Rowan McDonald

2020-21 Student Trustee

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