What is the Sully 2.0?

Sully the Sabre mascot has been a mainstay for years at Southwood but it is in desperate need of updating. The Southwood student body was polled on whether Sully should be replaced and the answer was a resounding YES! The donors mentioned below were asked if they were interested in helping out with this unique initiative – they also answered with a resounding YES!

Now that we have the funds to go forward with a new mascot, we are now in the process of finalizing a new design. We’re hoping to have the new mascot by the end of this school year.

Exciting times ahead!

Southwood would like to recognize the following businesses for their generous contribution to the Sully 2.0 mascot fund. These companies are true leaders in business and philanthropy! Without their help we wouldn’t have been able to move forward with a new mascot this year.

Martin Smith (Royal Lepage Crown Realty Services Inc.)
Mike Luis (Mainview Construction Limited)
Cam Beaton, Owner (Cambridge Toyota)
Alex Baddoura (Cambridge Toyota)

Categories: Events