April 27th, 2020
The follow post was put together by the students in our Global Action Club (GAC).
This past week, Southwood’s Global Action Club (GAC) hosted Earth Week, a week dedicated to promoting environmental sustainability.
Earth Week was designed for our Southwood community to try new ways of incorporating sustainability into their lives. GAC posted daily challenges and events for our community to participate in and extend their environmental knowledge.
The challenges included a variety of ways to achieve greater sustainability in our lives, including dietary adjustments, reducing wastefulness and power usage, and encouraging us to extend our awareness of the extremity of climate change.
The success we experienced with participation in Earth Week’s challenges and events shows that as a school and community, we can work together to promote sustainability and take action to achieve more sustainable lives, even during unprecedented times. Although Earth Week is over, our responsibility to care for the environment is not. It is important that we all take action and treat every day as Earth Day to create a sustainable world.
We are sending a huge thank you to all Earth Week participants for your open mindedness and willingness to try new ways of introducing sustainability into your lives. Your efforts in taking action are greatly appreciated and truly create real change in our world. Way to go, Sabres!
Categories: News