
You have learned how societal attitudes and behaviours have changed significantly over the last 50 years.
To highlight these changes, you will interview someone at least one (preferably two) generations older than you. You will then compare that person’s experience and expectations of life with your own.


Part A

• Develop a list of at least 20 questions that will target your subject’s experiences and attitudes toward different aspects of life as designated below. Try to uncover what shaped your subject’s current views and attitudes. Phrase your questions creatively and in a variety of ways. Make sure your questions include both closed and open-ended questions.
• Make sure you address (but not limit yourself to):
o Attitude toward family roles, childrearing
o What it was like growing up for them as compared to your upbringing
o Attitudes toward work, education
o Impact of technology
o Attitude toward authority, societal institutions like government, organized religion, etc.
o Their attitude toward generations that came before and after them
• But don’t stop there. Develop questions that will really help you to understand the person as a product of their times.

Part B

At a mutually convenient time, sit down with your subject and have them talk about their life. Make sure you get to ask all your questions, but most of all…LISTEN. BE FLEXIBLE. They will probably share experiences or secrets with you that you would never have thought to ask. You may, with your subject’s permission, use a recording device so that you can concentrate on the conversation. You can transcribe their responses later. Or you can simply write down what they say. Having the person simply answer a questionnaire is not acceptable.

Part C

After you’ve conducted the interview and thanked your subject (preferably in writing if it’s not a member of your immediate family), carefully analyze what they’ve told you. What surprised you? How does their experience differ from yours? How is it similar? Would you liked to have been born when they were?
Then create your report, including
a) identification of your subject (name, relationship to you, some details concerning their background, date interview conducted, etc.
b) your questions
c) your subject’s responses
And, most importantly
d) your analysis of what the experience has taught you. This should include a detailed, thoughtful analysis of the experience this person has undergone and the underlying causes of these experiences. What were the conditions of change and impediments to change? How does their experience differ from yours? Why do you think that is the case? Be sure to address these societal changes from an anthropological, sociological and psychological viewpoint as appropriate. You should also include references to the course material. The analysis portion must be typed and should be approximately 400 – 500 words.

This assignment will be marked out of 100. It is due __________________________.

For assessment details, please download the HSB 4UI Intergenerational Assignment Rubric