St. Andrew’s Street Construction starting May 15th

Construction on St.Andrew’s Street will begin on or about May 15th and will not be fully completed until spring/summer 2018.  At times the street will be fully closed.  For more information please follow the link to this document from the Region of Waterloo: Info on St.Andrews Street Construction

Trustee Vacancy – Cambridge & Township of North Dumfries

The Waterloo Region District School Board invites applications for the role of Trustee representing the City of Cambridge and North Dumfries Township. The seat at the Board table was left vacant after the resignation of long-time Cambridge trustee, Andrea Mitchell. As outlined in the Education Act, applicants must meet the following requirements: a Canadian citizen […]

Information for Parents of Senior Students

During the spring months, many groups of senior students, as a means to celebrate graduation, organize events on their own accord (e.g. dances, “proms’, camping, beach trips, etc.). Please note that these independent events are not officially recognized or organized by, at or through Southwood Secondary School. As private events, school staff does not provide […]

Events of the Week – April 24 – 28

Events of the Week: April 24 – 28 – Final

Holocaust survivor comes to Southwood to talk to parents

On May 3rd from 6:30pm-8:30pm in the Southwood Library, Max Eisen comes to speak with parents. Max is a Hungarian Jew who was deported along with his family in the summer of 1944. He is a passionate speaker, educator and author of his recently published biography By Chance Alone.

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