As most of you may know, the Destun Family has lost their precious daughter, Lauren, on Monday April 23, 2018 while courageously battling leukemia.  Lauren attended Tait Street Public School from 2007 to 2014. Not only is our community grieving her passing, we are left wondering what we can do to help a family who for years has always been there for Tait Street PS and their neighbours.  An account has been opened at TD Canada Trust at the Westgate Plaza location to accept donations to assist the family.

If you wish to make a donation, you may do so directly at TD Canada Trust Westgate Plaza, if donating by cheque please make it out to either Michelle Beswick or Bobbi Hufgart in Trust; or you may do an e-transfer using the email:  

With all methods of donation, please use the Transit No. 24522 and Account No. 6436790

Thank you for your support.

Categories: Events