Recent updates to the Ontario School Screening Tool has created some confusion regarding the return to school process for families who choose not to have their child tested for COVID-19.

We hope that this information clarifies the return to school process where the screening tool has indicated that your child should not attend school and you then choose not to have your child tested for COVID-19.

The screening tool said my child should not go to school. What about the other people in my household including siblings?

Everyone in your household must stay at home until the child tests negative, or is cleared by your local public health unit, or is diagnosed with another illness.

I am choosing not to get my child tested for COVID-19. How do they return to school?

Your child must isolate for 10 days. Your child may be able to return to school earlier if ALL of the following apply:

  • a doctor diagnosed the child with another illness
  • they do not have a fever (without using medication)
  • it has been at least 24 hours since your child’s  symptoms started improving

Please remember to complete the Ontario COVID-19 School Screening tool daily for symptoms before attending school.


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