November 3rd, 2017
Region of Waterloo Public Health and community partners have started having conversations about supervised injection services. They are asking those who live, work and go to school in Waterloo region for their opinion on these services.
You can have your say on Supervised Injection Services through the region’s online survey.
To participate in the survey you must be 16 years of age or older.
What are Supervised Injection Services?
Communities across Canada are experiencing substance use issues, including overdose. Region of Waterloo Public Health continues to work with the Waterloo Integrated Drugs Strategy on a community opioid response. Part of this response includes exploring the feasibility of supervised injection services. Supervised injection services provide a safe, clean space as well as supplies for people to inject their own drugs under the care of trained staff. Supervised injection services are being considered because research shows they:
- Prevent overdose deaths
- Reduce used needles left in public places
- Connect people who inject drugs with needed services
- Reduce needle sharing and the spread of infection
In order to operate a supervised injection service location, an exemption under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act must be granted by the Federal Minister of Health. Consultation with the community, such as this survey, is a large part of the federal exemption application process. No decisions have yet been made about providing supervised injection services in Waterloo region.
Categories: Events